Opening day
Submission deadline
nEDM 2017 Abstract submission still open for posters
To submit an abstract, click on the Submit Abstract link in the left hand panel.
You will be taken to the Indico log in page.
- Please note TRIUMF has updated the InDiCo site since 2015 .
- If you do not have a new TRIUMF InDiCo account,
you will need to create a new profile on the meetings site by clicking on the link provided and completing the form.
- You will receive an automated e-mail almost immediately.
- Click on the link in the e-mail to verify your registration and log in to Indico.
- Once in the Submit an abstract window, enter your abstract data.
- After entering the primary and co-authors, indicate which track classification (session) the abstract should appear in at the conference.
- When you have entered your data and checked it, click on the submit button at the foot of the page.
- Once submitted, you will have the option to modify your abstract by clicking on the View my abstracts link before the submission deadline.
The Program Committee will convene after the [DATE}, 2017 submission deadline to review the abstracts. A notification of acceptance to present will be done by email.
- Please type in plain ASCII text by hand. DO NOT cut and paste from another document.
- The use of LaTeX coding is permitted. Note the character limit - your abstract may be truncated.
- References are permitted, please cite them in the paragraph by the use of square brackets and list them in the order of first mentioned after the abstract.
- Please avoid the use of graphs or graphics in the text, use the space they would take up for describing your presentation.