3:00 PM
Status and results for the nEDM experiment at PSI
Solange Emmenegger
(ETH Zürich)
3:00 PM
Vertical UCN Source Status at TRIUMF
Taraneh Andalib
(University of Manitoba/TRIUMF/University of Winnipeg)
3:00 PM
The UCN facility at TRIUMF
Steve Sidhu
3:00 PM
Prospects for an improved precision of $γ_{Hg-199}$ with a $^{199}$Hg-$^4$He co-magnetometer
arnaud leredde
(LPSC, Université Grenoble-Alpes)
3:00 PM
Compensation of Magnetic Fields at the the TRIUMF nEDM Experiment
Shomi Ahmed
(for the TRIUMF Japan-Canada UCN Collaboration)
3:00 PM
High Resolution Two Photon Spectroscopy of the 6p←5p transition of Xenon at 252 nm
Emily Altiere
(University of British Columbia)
Eric Miller
(University of British Columbia)