- Ruediger Picker (TRIUMF)
Shinsuke Kawasaki
10/18/17, 9:00 AM
EDM experiment overviews
Ultracold Neutrons (UCN) are extremely slow neutrons with a kinetic energy in the order of 100 neV. As a consequence, UCNs are totally reflected at the surface of certain materials and can be confined in a material bottle. Using this unique property, UCNs are used for various experiments such as neutron electric dipole moment searches, neutron lifetime measurements, gravity experiments, and...
Geza Zsigmond
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/18/17, 9:35 AM
Simulation tools (Monte Carlo, finite elements, ...)
In UCN physics experiments Monte Carlo simulation methods are very effective in the characterization and optimization of many-parameter systems, and when a detailed calculation of a geometry containing several sub-volumes is relevant. Exact analytic modeling is not feasible in many cases - for example because of gravity effects on UCN or because of UCN viewing several surface qualities at the...
Wolfgang Schreyer
10/18/17, 10:00 AM
Simulation tools (Monte Carlo, finite elements, ...)
The TRIUMF Japanese-Canadian UCN Collaboration is planning a next-generation
ultracold-neutron source. To maximize the number of ultracold neutrons
available to experiments, Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons
over a wide energy range are needed. Additionally, heat deposit due to
neutron scattering, neutron capture, and gamma radiation is an important
design parameter.