- Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Ryohei Matsumiya
10/17/17, 7:00 PM
Sources of ultra cold neutrons
We developed an intense ultracold neutron (UCN) source using superfluid helium (He-II) at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), in Japan. This UCN source uses He-II as a UCN converter to produce a high density of UCN. At the exit of the UCN source, a UCN density of 26 UCN/cm$^3$ at 90 neV critical energy was achieved with the 400 W proton beam of the ring cyclotron of RCNP in...
Guillaume Pignol
10/17/17, 7:25 PM
Magnetic field control (passive and active shielding, coil design, current sources)
Magnetic field non-uniformities generate important systematic effects on the neutron EDM, especially for experiments using an atomic comagnetometer.
Field gradients generate frequency shifts of UCNs and atoms, possibly dependent on the electric field, they also induce transverse depolarization of UCNs.
All these effects will be reviewed.
I will first present a polynomial...
Simon Slutsky
10/17/17, 7:50 PM
Magnetic field control (passive and active shielding, coil design, current sources)
A search for the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) will take place at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Lab, aiming for a sensitivity of <$3\times10^{-28}$ e-cm. Polarized ultracold neutrons will precess in a 30 mG magnetic holding field inside a liquid helium cell, which will be doped with a minute amount of polarized He-3 to measure the precession frequency. Magnetic...
Edgard Pierre
10/17/17, 8:15 PM
Transport and manipulation of ultra cold neutrons (materials, valves, polarization, spin transport, neutron detection)
We are currently developing a super-thermal Ultracold Neutron (UCN) source using phonon exchange in super-fluid helium. To take full advantage of the high density of UCNs from our source, high transmission guides for polarized UCNs are being developed. Statistical sensitivity is the main limiting factor for a neutron EDM measurement. Furthermore, this sensitivity also depends on the initial...