- Jeff Martin
Brad Filippone
10/16/17, 2:00 PM
Other EDM searches (only overview talks)
The SNS nEDM experiment plans to use a cryogenic central detector and magnet system along with a polarized 3He co-magnetometer to achieve neutron EDM
sensitivities < 3x10-28 e-cm. An overview of the experiment will be discussed including its present status, schedule and a summary of the technical progress on many of the key components.
Alexey Fomin
10/16/17, 2:35 PM
Sources of ultra cold neutrons
Use of ultracold neutrons (UCN) gives unique opportunities of a research of fundamental interactions in physics of elementary particles. Search of the electric dipole moment of a neutron (EDM) aims to test models of CP violation. Precise measurement of neutron lifetime is extremely important for cosmology and astrophysics. Considerable progress in these questions can be reached due to...
Ekaterina Korobkina
10/16/17, 3:10 PM
Recently we completed cryogenic commissioning of the UCN source at PULSTAR reactor, located at NC State University campus. As part of the commissioning , we have studied growth of a solid deuterium crystal in situ using external camera and temperature probes. In addition, we did simulation of the pulsed heat input into walls of the cryostat, to simulate condition typical for the pulsed UCN sources.