- Christopher Bidinosti (University of Winnipeg)
Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
10/17/17, 11:10 AM
Experimental techniques (cryogenic, room temperature, crystal)
At the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland a collaboration of 15 institutions is measuring the nEDM using ultracold neutrons (UCN).
In recent years a total of nearly 55000 cycles each with an average of approximately 11500 UCN were recorded. The pre-analysis sensitivity of the dataset is about 0.95×10E-26 ecm.
This talk will present the summary of the ongoing statistical analysis...
Tatsuya Kikawa
10/17/17, 11:40 AM
Other EDM searches (only overview talks)
We aim to search for the neutron EDM down to 1e-27e*cm by using ultracold neutrons at TRIUMF.
In order to achieve this goal, systematic errors of the neutron EDM measurement must be drastically reduced as well as the statistical error.
With this objective, we are developing a next generation EDM measurement system.
This talk will describe the current status and the future plans for the...
Tim Chupp
10/17/17, 12:10 PM
EDM experiment overviews
EDM measurements in a number of systems are needed to sort out the theoretical meaning of the current experimental landscape (represented by a set of upper limits) and to interpret a potential future discovery. A global analysis of EDM results in the context of a restricted set of low-energy parameters that follow from an effective-field theory approach shows that there is currently no...