Taraneh Andalib
(University of Manitoba/TRIUMF/University of Winnipeg)
The neutron EDM experiment at TRIUMF aims to measure the nEDM to the
precision of ~$10^{−27}$ e$\cdot$cm by using a new superfluid He ultracold
neutron (UCN) source. The Japan-Canada UCN source is unique in
combining a neutron spallation source with superfluid helium. The new
UCN source is expected to yield the highest density of UCNs
worldwide. The ongoing research on the present vertical UCN source at
TRIUMF is crucial for designing the future UCN source. The status of
the present UCN source and the result of the cooldown test will be
andalibt@triumf.ca |
Primary author
Taraneh Andalib
(University of Manitoba/TRIUMF/University of Winnipeg)