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Oct 15 – 20, 2017
Harrison Hot Springs
Canada/Pacific timezone

Neutron EDM Measurement with a Pulsed Beam

Oct 16, 2017, 4:20 PM
Harrison Hot Springs

Harrison Hot Springs

100 Esplanade Avenue, Harrison Hot Springs, BC Canada V0M 1K0
Oral Other EDM searches (only overview talks) MoAf2


Prof. Dieter Ries (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)


Currently, a new experiment aiming to measure the neutron EDM using a pulsed beam of cold neutrons is being commissioned at the University of Bern. The innovative measuring concept is ideally suited for high peak-flux and time-structure provided by next-generation pulsed spallation sources (e.g. the European Spallation Source ESS). The present design, technical challenges and solutions as well as preliminary results from our first beam time at the BOA beam line at SINQ/PSI will be presented.

Primary author

Prof. Dieter Ries (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)

Presentation materials