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Oct 15 – 20, 2017
Harrison Hot Springs
Canada/Pacific timezone

Critical Spin Dressing

Oct 19, 2017, 10:40 AM
Harrison Hot Springs

Harrison Hot Springs

100 Esplanade Avenue, Harrison Hot Springs, BC Canada V0M 1K0
Oral Experimental techniques (cryogenic, room temperature, crystal) ThMo2


Mr Reza Tavakoli-Dinani (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University)


It has long been proposed [1] that spin dressing [2] could be employed to realize a highly effective helium-3 nuclear precession co-magnetometer for a neutron electric dipole moment search. The proposal requires application of an intense, continuous, and far off-resonant oscillating magnetic field in such a way that the apparent Larmor precession frequency of both species is modified. Under appropriate conditions a desirable situation known as critical dressing is anticipated: the neutron and the helium-3 nucleus (or more generally, any two spin species) are expected to behave as if they had the same gyromagnetic ratio and hence should precess at the same rate in a static magnetic field. Spin dressing has been studied in the context of the neutron [3], helium-3 [4], and a variety of other systems [5]. Critical dressing, however, has not previously been demonstrated. We will present results from recent NMR experiments in which simultaneous dressing of $^1$H and $^{19}$F nuclei is studied, and in which critical dressing is observed. Insight gleaned from these experiments is expected to inform strategies for integrating critical dressing into a neutron electric dipole moment search. [1] Phys Rep **237**, 1 (1994) [2] J Phys (France) **30**, 153 (1969) [3] Phys Rev Lett **58**, 2047 (1987) [4] e.g. Phys Rev A **85**, 3 (2012); Phys Rev C, **76**, 5: 051302, (2007); and Phys Rev C, **84**, 2: 022501, (2011) [5] e.g. Nature **471**, 83 (2011) or Nature **476**, 185 (2011)

Funding Agency



Primary author

Mr Reza Tavakoli-Dinani (Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University)


Prof. Mike Hayden (Physics Department, Simon Fraser University)

Presentation materials