Events in our system are self-managed.  Group and event managers are encouraged to review privacy and security settings, and adjust them if needed.  If you need assistance please contact Indico Support - contact Help at bottom of page.

Aug 24 – 25, 2022
US/Pacific timezone

Contribution List

18 / 18
Jess McIver (UBC)
8/24/22, 8:00 AM
John Ruan (Bishop's University)
8/24/22, 8:15 AM
Domenico Giardini (ETH Zurich)
8/24/22, 8:40 AM
Tyrone Woods (NRC)
8/24/22, 9:20 AM
Nahee Park (Queen's University)
8/24/22, 9:40 AM
Huan Yang (Uniersity of Guelph)
8/24/22, 10:00 AM
Maria Drout (U Toronto)
8/25/22, 8:00 AM
Saeed Rastgoo (University of Alberta)
8/25/22, 8:40 AM
Kye Emond (UBC)
8/25/22, 9:25 AM
Jaeden Bardati (Bishop's U)
8/25/22, 9:35 AM
Vasil Todorinov (University of Lenthbridge)
8/25/22, 9:45 AM
Sam Gagnon-Hartman (Bishop's U)
8/25/22, 9:55 AM
Zhen Pan (Perimeter Institute)
8/25/22, 10:05 AM
Nayyer Raza (McGill U)
8/25/22, 10:15 AM
8/25/22, 10:25 AM
Scott Oser (UBC)
8/25/22, 10:30 AM