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16–19 Feb 2023
Banff Centre
Canada/Mountain timezone

Machine Learning for Noise Removal in NEWS-G

17 Feb 2023, 20:15
KC 303 (Banff Centre)

KC 303

Banff Centre

Contributed Oral Dark Matter Searches February 17 Evening Session


Noah Rowe (Queen's University)


In this talk I will present preliminary results regarding the application of machine learning techniques for noise removal on signals from spherical proportional counters (SPCs) with the NEWS-G experiment. In SPC detectors, a primary ionization, created by a particle interacting with the gas, drifts towards a central anode. When ions approach the anode, the electric field becomes strong enough to trigger secondary ionizations, resulting in an amplified detector signal. Evaluation of these techniques include tests on simulated pulses with added noise, and quantifying model effects on physics goals such as primary ion counting and energy resolution. Successful implementation of this technique will reduce errors on event measurements (energy, drift time, etc.) and lower the analysis threshold, thereby enabling the experiment to search for lower mass dark matter events.

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Supervisor Guillaume Giroux
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Funding Agency Arthur B. McDonald Institute, Canada Excellence Research Chairs, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and CFI

Primary author

Noah Rowe (Queen's University)

Presentation materials