5:00 PM
Status of TITAN's Penning Trap Upgrades
Annabelle Czihaly
(TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
5:02 PM
ML-Driven Tuning of Beamlines: Using Bayesian Optimization
Alexander Katrusiak
(TRIUMF and Queens University)
Defne Tanyer
(TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
5:04 PM
Rydberg atom field ionizer for low-intensity radioactive isotope beams
Aryan Prasad
(TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
5:06 PM
Event Reconstruction of an Aerogel Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detector for the EMPHATIC Hadron Production Experiment
Max Fatouros
(TRIUMF and University of Manitoba)
5:08 PM
Segmenting Particle Showers in the ATLAS Detector with PointNet
Jessica Bohm
(TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
5:10 PM
Flux Trapping in Coaxial Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities
Ruth Gregory
(TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
5:12 PM
Anomalous electrical transport in frustrated intermetallic YbCuAs2: the role of spin
Mae Abedi
(TRIUMF and Simon Fraser University)
5:14 PM
GNNs on FPGAs for Real-time Particle Reconstruction at the ATLAS Hardware Trigger
Joshua Lerner
5:16 PM
Jet Reconstruction for Future Muon Collider
Khurshid Usmanov
(TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
5:18 PM
A New Event Analysis Framework for Future Higgs Factories
Josephine Brewster
(TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
5:20 PM
Development of Diagnostic Procedures for the Investigation of Radiopharmaceuticals In Vitro
Madison Daignault
(TRIUMF and Simon Fraser University)
Meghan Kostashuk
(TRIUMF and McMaster University)
5:22 PM
Performance of ATLAS Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter Electronics Chain Configurations
Denaisha Kraft
(TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
5:24 PM
Dark Matter from Dark Confinement
Ricky Mizuta
5:26 PM
Development of Muon Spin Imaging Spectroscopy
Takato Sugisaki
(TRIUMF and Osaka University and Open-it and KEK)
5:28 PM
Highly charged ion production and their use in nuclear spectroscopy and mass precision measurements
Fernando Alejandro Maldonado Millan
5:30 PM
Barium Tagging at TRIUMF as an Upgrade to nEXO
Iroise Casandjian
(TRIUMF and McMaster University)
Lucas Backes
(TRIUMF and McGill University)
5:32 PM
Simulating the CANREB radiofrequency quadrupole cooler-buncher
Paige Harford