TRIUMF Science Week is back this summer!
July 31st - August 4th, 2023.
Welcome to Science Week 2023
This year's program will feature presentations on recent achievements and highlights of TRIUMF's science program. Further, Science Week 2023 will be used as platform to present the outcome for the 2025-2030 5-year plan to the community, following on from last year's Science Week which was used to gather input and feedback on major science directions and new initiatives from the TRIUMF community. With ARIEL on the horizon, the third part of the science program will be dedicated to informing the community on the facility's status and timelines, and feature presentations and discussions on exciting new science opportunities in the ARIEL era. We will conclude the week with the TRIUMF Users Group Annual General meeting.
Science week is planned as in-person event, but if you want to join online, please follow the zoom links that will be send out to all participants via email.
Stay up to date with Science Week 2023 events via our interactive social media wall!
Throughout the week, you can post to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtag #TRIUMFScienceWeek2023 to add your photos to our live feed, which is being hosted via The feed updates periodically, so check in each day to see what your peers are sharing.
Be sure to vote using's heart-shaped Like button for your favourite shared photos from the week – a prize will be awarded to the person with the most votes on their post at the end of the week!
Good luck, and we’re excited to see what #TRIUMFScienceWeek2023 looks like through your eyes!