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20–22 Aug 2024
University of Toronto
US/Eastern timezone

Performance of the SuperCDMS High Voltage Tower at CUTE

20 Aug 2024, 10:30
Faculty Club (University of Toronto)

Faculty Club

University of Toronto

41 Willocks Street Toronto ON, M5S 1C7


Yan Liu (TRIUMF)


SuperCDMS SNOLAB aims to conduct a wide-band dark matter search by cooling down the Germanium and Silicon crystals to cryogenic temperatures. The good performance of these detectors is crucial in achieving the experiment's science goals. One of the SuperCDMS towers, consisting of six High Voltage detectors, was deployed in CUTE (Cryogenic Underground TEst facilities) and tested over a period of five months to evaluate its properties. This marks the first time the SuperCDMS SNOLAB detectors are operated in a deep underground, low background environment. In this talk, I will present the results from the tower testing and discuss their implications for the upcoming SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment.

Presentation materials