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24–28 Feb 2025
Pinnacle at the Pier
America/Vancouver timezone
Time table has been published || Registration on-site opens at 11:00 a.m. Monday, February 24

Facility Update on the Low Energy Neutron Source

27 Feb 2025, 10:20
Pinnacle at the Pier

Pinnacle at the Pier

Contributed Oral Session 8


David Baxter (Indiana University)


LENS has had a long and distinct history within the UCANS community. One unique feature of its history has been the evolution of the larger facility within which it has been housed (from an international-scale nuclear user facility, to a medical center, to a stand-alone neutron facility). This history has provided challenges for LENS operations, which will be discussed in this presentation. LENS has not operated since 2020 due to the complications and expense associated with restarting after the long shutdown imposed by the pandemic. Over the last several months, an effort has been launched to restart LENS with a primary focus on radiation effects in electronics. In this update, I will review some of the operational history of LENS, with an eye on lessons-learned that may be useful to the community, and I will provide an update on these most recent efforts to revive the facility and redirect its focus.

Abstract classification - track type Facility Updates

Primary authors

Prof. Daniel Loveless (Indiana University) David Baxter (Indiana University) Mr John Ostler (Indiana University) Prof. Scott Wissink (Indiana University)

Presentation materials