There are three grand national neutron sources in operation in China, including, China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) and China Mianyang Research Reactor (CMRR). Chinese Neutron Scattering Society (CNSS) was formally established as a branch of the Chinese Physical Society (CPS) in 2012, which forms a good situation for developing of neutron science and...
The moderator is a crucial component of neutron sources, slowing neutrons from a target to energies suitable for materials science. At large user facilities like ISIS, once moderators are installed, it becomes very difficult to make changes or track issues, as testing on the full-scale facility is highly limited. Therefore, testing moderators and moderator systems prior to installation at the...
In Korea, neutron sources and related research facilities have been developed and utilized for the industrial and defense application with PGNAA and neutron radiography, and also development of fission and fusion energy. Among them, 30 MeV cyclotron-based neutron source development is completed the neutron generation preliminary evaluation is in progress, in which the existing cyclotron was...
LENS has had a long and distinct history within the UCANS community. One unique feature of its history has been the evolution of the larger facility within which it has been housed (from an international-scale nuclear user facility, to a medical center, to a stand-alone neutron facility). This history has provided challenges for LENS operations, which will be discussed in this presentation....