- brad filippone (caltech)
David Morrissey
16/10/2017, 10:45
Theory background
CP violation presents two major puzzles for our understanding of fundamental physics. On one hand, we do not know the origin of the CP violation observed in quark mixing. On the other, the amount of CP violation that is seen is not enough to account for the excess of matter over antimatter and appears to be anomalously small compared to what is expected from the structure of the strong...
Brent Graner
(University of Washington)
16/10/2017, 11:25
Other EDM searches (only overview talks)
This talk will cover the latest results on the permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of neutral $^{199}$Hg atoms. The EDM is manifested as a small perturbation to the Larmor precession frequency due to the interaction energy of the electric dipole with a static electric field. The atoms are prepared in four separate glass vapor cells using optical pumping with resonant 254 nm laser light and...
Beatrice Franke
16/10/2017, 12:00
Sources of ultra cold neutrons
The Japanese-Canadian Ultracold Neutron (UCN) Source is a new facility under
construction at TRIUMF. The distinct feature of TRIUMFs UCN facility is the combination of a neutron spallation source with a superfluid helium UCN converter - unique among all existing and planned UCN sources worldwide. The goal of the UCN project at TRIUMF is to provide a density of several hundreds of UCN per...