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Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Canada/Pacific timezone
Thank you to our Sponsors: Tesla Engineering Ltd and D-Pace.

*new Proceedings - Paper Preparation

Information for Paper preparation guidelines 

All work that is properly presented by a registered Author at EBIST2022 will be included in the proceedings to be published on the JACoW website.

Use of the current JACoW templates is mandatory. Please follow the paper preparation and submission guidelines.  All contributions to the proceedings are uploaded via EBIST2022/JACoW Author Accounts. 

Please be sure to upload:

  • A properly formatted MS Word (pre-2010 documents are no longer accepted), OpenOffice/LibreOffice, or LaTeX document.
  • A PDF file made from this document. Instructions for the different docuemnts found here: LaTeXMS Word and OpenOffice/LibreOffice. If you do not have the ability to generate a PDF file, submit a PostScript file made from the source.
  • Each original illustration in its native format as used in the document.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 ---- 23:59 PST (UT -0800)

Due to the SPSM upload problem, please submit as soon as you can, so I can work on the papers during the conference week.

The Editor in Chief reserves the right to refuse paper publications that do not meet a reasonable level of preparation.

JACoW Search and Citation Export 

To get citations of JACoW publications correctly formatted every time, the team at ANSTO in collaboration with JACoW has developed and maintained a JACoW search and citation export tool for accelerator conference proceedings. Use this tool for all accelerator conference related citations.

More information can be found in this quick guide.  

JACoW DOCX Cat Scan Editor

For submission of WORD documents, use JACoW’s DOCX Cat Scan Editor to instant feedback on common problems with your submission so you can make corrections to your paper ahead of uploading to SPMS.

More information can be found in this help.

Word *.doc pre 2010 files will no longer be accepted. 

Authors using Word must upload a 2010 or higher *.docx paper source file in addition to a PDF and figure images.