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Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Canada/Pacific timezone
Thank you to our Sponsors: Tesla Engineering Ltd and D-Pace.

Conference Location

EBIST 2022  will be held at Whistler Blackcomb Mountain - site of the 2010 Olympics.

The drive to the mountain is about 2 hours from Vancouver.  

For transportation from YVR (Vancouver International Airport) to Whistler go here

Map - TRIUMF / Whistler / YVR - Vancouver Airport

Whistler was the location of the 2010 Winter Olympics and is a well known ski hill.

The mountain is a multi-season resort with many activities to offer.   In the Spring, Summer and Fall months the mountain is sculpted with jumps and trails for the mountain biking enthusiasts.   Bikers take their bikes up on the gondola and ride the terrain levels ranging from beginner to extreme down the hill.    Many spectators sit and enjoy a beverage and watch the show from the bottom of the terrain park.

If golf is your game,  once the snow in the valley has gone, Whistler is known for skiing in the morning and grabing a game of golf in the afternoon (

There is so much to do in Whistler, like take a stroll in the Village where you will find many international shops, or maybe you just want to stop for a beverage at one of the many restaurants and bar. 

Municipality of Whistler - the stroll



Mountain Biking Terrain Park

The hotel is located at:
4308 Main Street,
Whistler, BC V8E 1A9


Phone: (604) 905-3987