EBIST2022 is organizing a tour of TRIUMF as part of the conference.
TRIUMF Laboratory
TRIUMF is home to the world’s largest cyclotron particle accelerator and a system of high-energy rare isotope beams that enable a diversity of efforts in nuclear and particle physics, accelerator science, life science research and more! Tour participants get first-hand experience with many of TRIUMF’s experiments and facilities as we follow the path of the proton from its origin bound in a hydrogen atom to its destination in targets and detectors.
The tour will last 90minutes, with time for Q&A and photography throughout. The tour fee is $45 CAD, and includes bus transportation between Whistler and TRIUMF.
Transportation is 1-way. You will not be returned to Whistler after the tour.
Please select this option when you register for the conference online if you are planning to attend. The Tour will depend on sufficient interest.
Distance from Whistler