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20–22 Aug 2024
University of Toronto
US/Eastern timezone

The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC)

20 Aug 2024, 11:00
Faculty Club (University of Toronto)

Faculty Club

University of Toronto

41 Willocks Street Toronto ON, M5S 1C7


Kenneth Clark (Queen's University)


The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) collaboration is combining the liquid argon scintillation and bubble chamber technologies to measure sub-keV nuclear recoils. SBC detectors benefit from the excellent electron-recoil insensitivity inherent in bubble chambers with the addition of energy reconstruction provided from the scintillation signal. Noble liquids can be superheated to a greater extent than Freons used in past bubble chambers for dark matter searches while remaining blind to electron recoils backgrounds allowing for a targeted energy threshold of 100 eV. The collaboration is building two functionally-identical detectors. The first, soon-to-be moving underground in the MINOS tunnel at Fermilab, will be used for engineering and calibration studies and has further potential in measurement of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering on argon. A low-background version for the dark matter search will be operated underground at SNOLAB. I will discuss the motivation for sub-keV nuclear recoil studies, the current status of the SBC experimental program, and the low-mass dark matter potential.

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