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20–22 Aug 2024
University of Toronto
US/Eastern timezone

Looking for starlight underground

20 Aug 2024, 15:00
Faculty Club (University of Toronto)

Faculty Club

University of Toronto

41 Willocks Street Toronto ON, M5S 1C7


Gonzalo Alonso Alvarez (U Toronto)


The dark sector may feature long-range and inelastic interactions that can lead to the formation of dark matter substructure and dark stellar objects.
A general prediction of these scenarios is that dark matter may be shinning in the dark photons that mediate this force.
I will describe under which conditions low-threshold dark matter experiments are sensitive to this dark starlight, and discuss the role of the sun as a foreground in these searches.
Finally, I will present a new experimental setup that has the potential to improve the current reach and test new scenarios.

Presentation materials