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20–22 Aug 2024
University of Toronto
US/Eastern timezone

H-Parity: Why Vector-like Confining Dark Sectors Are Non-Scintillating

21 Aug 2024, 13:30
Faculty Club (University of Toronto)

Faculty Club

University of Toronto

41 Willocks Street Toronto ON, M5S 1C7


Pouya Asadi (U Oregon)


I show that vector-like confining dark sectors are endowed with a hitherto overlooked parity akin to SM’s G-parity. This parity forbids all the leading interactions of such confining dark sectors with SM, effectively suppressing their scattering rate in direct detection experiments. This suggests a vast part of the parameter space of this class of models that was presumed ruled out is still viable and constitutes a well-motivated target for collider searches.

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