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Aug 21 – 26, 2022
Whistler Conference Centre
America/Vancouver timezone
Please contact for registration assistance

Isotope Production Activities at LBNL: The Tri-Lab Effort in Nuclear Data (TREND), and Novel Production Pathways for 225Ac

Aug 24, 2022, 9:00 AM
Whistler Conference Centre

Whistler Conference Centre

Contributed Oral


Andrew Voyles (UC Berkeley / LBNL)
Funding Agency DoE Isotope Program
Email Address

Primary author

Andrew Voyles (UC Berkeley / LBNL)


Rebecca Abergel (University of California, Berkeley) Ms Catherine Apgar (UC Berkeley) Dr Jon Batchelder (UC Berkeley) Dr Lee Bernstein (UC Berkeley / LBNL) Dr Eva Birnbaum (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Cathy Cutler (Collider Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA) Dr Morgan Fox (UC Berkeley) Dr Arjan Koning (IAEA) Dr Amanda Lewis (RPI) Dmitri Medvedev (Collider Accelerator Department,Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA) Jonathan Morrell (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Meiring Nortier Nortier (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Ellen O'Brien (LANL) Dr Michael Skulski (BNL) Christiaan Vermeulen (LANL)

Presentation materials