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Feb 15 – 18, 2022
America/Vancouver timezone
WNPPC2022 Booklet has been added. See also information about today's special guest: Dr. Eden Hennessey

Temperature-dependent Cluster Decay Half-lives

Feb 18, 2022, 8:48 AM


Nuclear Structure Instrumentation


Diego Ferney Rojas Gamboa (Universidad de Los Andes)


A temperature ($T$)- dependent universal decay law (UDL) of cluster decay is investigated by fitting the half-lives calculated within the $T$-dependent Double Folding model (DFM), in which the temperature dependence of the effective potential is introduced through the charge and matter density distributions of the interacting nuclei, and the half-lives are calculated within a preformed cluster model. As a consequence of including the $T$ dependence, the half-lives decrease with increasing temperature, which could be of interest for applications in astrophysics and heavy-ion collision.

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Primary authors

Diego Ferney Rojas Gamboa (Universidad de Los Andes) Prof. Neelima Kelkar (Universidad de Los Andes)

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