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Feb 15 – 18, 2022
America/Vancouver timezone
WNPPC2022 Booklet has been added. See also information about today's special guest: Dr. Eden Hennessey

The DarkLight Experiment at TRIUMF and the Hunt for a New Boson

Feb 18, 2022, 1:00 PM


Physics Beyond the Standard Model Particle Physics


Katherine Pachal (TRIUMF)


Despite the success of the Standard Model of particle physics, there are still phenomena such as dark matter that it doesn't explain. New particles light enough to be created at accelerators could resolve many of these issues, but could exist anywhere across a very wide range of masses and behaviours. Physicists are using many different experiments to search for them, each optimised for a different target. This talk will discuss the motivation for new bosons interacting with the dark sector and introduce a new experiment that will search for them: DarkLight, to be built at the 30 MeV ARIEL electron accelerator at TRIUMF.

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