The workshop on Progress in Ab Initio Nuclear Theory will be held at TRIUMF from February 27th to March 1st, 2024.
This is the twelveth in a series of workshops focused on new developments in ab initio nuclear theory that started in 2011. The workshop will last for four days to allow more time for discussions and collaboration meetings. We encourage student participation with the possibility to present a poster accompanied by a jamboree. There will be a TRIUMF colloquium as a part of the program. The workshop is sponsored by the TRIUMF Physical Sciences Division. We will provide some level of local support.
The topics to be discussed include:
- Progress in first-principles nuclear structure and reaction calculations
- New results of calculations of electro-weak transitions
- Latest developments in constructions of accurate nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions
It is with great regret that our colleague and friend Ruprecht Machleidt (Rup) is no longer with us. To honor his memory and legacy the first session on Tuesday is dedicated to him.